USMMA Recruitment Materials
Winner: GDUSA Award 2022
The Challenge
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy needed assistance creating recruitment materials that felt modern to match the new version of their website. As Bradley Brown Design Group holds a GSA contract, we were able to work with their team on a variety of print materials that would speak to prospective students, parents, and counselors. Our new designs gave their pieces an eye-catching and consistent look that used more recent campus imagery and powerful messaging.
The Strategy
The viewbook was the first piece we created and the touchstone for all the following materials in terms of design, messaging, and branding. This important piece of recruitment collateral provided an overview of the program and showcased images of the campus and academy activities with a strong focus on showing the real-life activities of the students.

Foldable Brochure
This foldable brochure was a condensed summary of the viewbook that could be easily mailed or given away at events. It included an infographic that highlighted the application process for the academy and folded out into a large poster for students, parents, recruitment counselors and high schools to display.

Campus Map
Updating the campus map ensured that it had accurate details for current and prospective students and that it matched the overall brand look and feel of the other materials.

Banners and 3-Panel Displays
Recruitment events are key to bringing in prospective students, so we helped USMMA create banners and two 3-panel displays that would catch attention at an event and inspire interest to learn more about this unique academy.