The Magic and Mindfulness of Gardening

“The real importance of gardening is the empowerment that it gives people… It is surprising how liberating it is, if you can grow anything at all.”
- Monty Don, May 2020 Tips & Advice

Our team finds inspiration from our favorite gardening guru Monty Don, the UK’s leading garden writer and broadcaster. His website provides gardening tips and advice with a personal flair, as you learn about his experience gardening under COVID-19 and finding solace in the act of caring for another living thing.
Coming to Our Senses
The act of gardening is a masterclass in embracing all 5 senses – something that we strive to do both in our designs and in our lives.

The feel of warm earth between your fingers.

The smell of fresh herbs.

The rustle of leaves.

The color of dancing butterflies.

The taste of a sun-ripened tomato.