Reigniting Creativity with Meditation

“Creativity is as boundless, spacious and limitless as the sky. We are born with it. It cannot be lost and it cannot be destroyed. It can only be forgotten.”
– Andy Puddicombe, Headspace co-founder

Meditation is a great way to reconnect with yourself and find some peace and relaxation — it has also long been held as a way to reignite creativity. However, interestingly, people are also now using it to connect with others.
During the stress and anxiety brought on by COVID-19, meditation apps have newfound popularity and have increased in daily users. While meditation is often thought of as a solitary activity, through apps like Headspace, it has become a group activity and a way to connect with others virtually. Meditation now brings a sense of togetherness and the feeling that you are not alone, as you now have a community.
Download the Headspace app and get in touch with your creative side.
Read more about meditation during Coronavirus from The Washington Post.

Simple Steps to Reconnect
It’s important to take time to relax and reconnect, mind, body and spirit. Here are our simple steps to center yourself and find some moments of quiet.
1. Find a space
Take a seat and find a spot in your home or office that feels calm.
2. Set a time limit
If you are a beginner, a shorter time like five or ten minutes is a great place to start.
3. Be aware of your body
Make sure you are stable and in a position that you can stay in comfortably.
4. Feel your breath
Follow your breath’s sensation in and out. In and out.
5. Bring your mind back when it wanders
Eventually your attention will wander away from your breath. Relax, and just come back.
6. End with kindness
Once you are ready, lift your gaze and be present in your environment. Turn your attention to your thoughts and emotions. Reflect on positivity and gratefulness for the day.