We’ve Got the Music at Home

“Music can name the unnameable
and communicate the unknowable.”
– Leonard Bernstein

From YouTube to Facebook Live to concerts inside video games, artists are using technology to find new ways to share their music. It’s all about getting creative and being open to new ideas, which has allowed some lesser known artists to shine as well – with social media as the main platform, we have the opportunity to not only reflect on the music from our past that brings us comfort, but also discover new artists speaking to our time now.
Listen to Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick sing “Quando Quando Quando (COVID-19)

Perfect Harmony
During the current crisis, music has become more important than ever, creating a sense of belonging. It soothes anxiety, promotes hope and enhances our connections to each other. Around the world, despite their physical distance, neighbors are singing together, playing instruments on balconies or coming together to share music online that keeps our spirits up and reminds us of the good in the world.